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  • 16 July 2024 4:37 PM | Jon Kohl (Administrator)

    The PUP Global Heritage Consortium and its organizational member, the Mexican Association for Heritage Interpretation, supported the publication of Guía de campo para escribir temas interpretativos last weekend, authored by PUP executive director Jon Kohl.

    PUP supported as well the Interpretive Theme Writer´s Field Guide published in 2018 by the National Association for Interpretation. This new book is actually the second edition with significant improvements over the English version as well as an adaptation for Iberoamerica (Latin America, Spain, and Portugal) with contributions from experts throughout the region. It is also written in Spanish with some Portuguese.

    Produced as a Kindle ebook for greater distribution, the book can be found on all of Amazon´s websites (see the USA and Mexico) at a significantly reduced price compared to the English version. Some improvements include:

    • New techniques for generating Big Ideas
    • New and improved example themes
    • New “Theme Spotlights” about ideas relating to interpretive themes
    • References to world events since 2018
    • New chapter about interpretive presentation structures including the Theme Dissection Technique to derive structures from themes
    • Integration with the recent textbook, Esencia de la interpretación de patrimonio: una visión holística para experimentar y conservar el patrimonio natural y cultural de América Latina (Mayorga and Kohl, 2021, Editorial UNED) also supported by PUP
    • A glossary
    • Updated epilogue to take into consideration the rise of ChatGTP and its possible impact on the interpretation field

    In terms of adaptation, it replaces many North American references and personae with quotes, examples, and references to writers and other important thinkers from throughout Iberoamerica to make it more relevant to the expanded audience. It includes a series of contributions from collaborators throughout the region called “Voices from the Field.”

    Members of the board of the Mexican Association for Heritage Interpreters reviewed and commented on the text while its founding director and PUP advisor, Dr. Antonieta Jiménez, edited the text. The PUP Consortium, as with the previous version, lent materials, photos, and experiences from its work in previous years. Other PUP member contributors include Marcelo Arze, Carlos Rosero, Clara Osorio, and, of course, PUP advisor, Sam Ham.

    50% Discount for PUP Members

    There will be an upcoming 50% book discount day for PUP members. If you are interested in taking advantage, please send a note to and you will be alerted when the discount day will be on Amazon.

  • 16 July 2024 4:30 PM | Jon Kohl (Administrator)

    El Consorcio PUP para el Patrimonio Global y su miembro organizativo, la Asociación Mexicana de Intérpretes del Patrimonio, apoyaron la publicación de Guía de campo para escribir temas interpretativos este fin de semana pasado, cuyo autor es el director ejecutivo de PUP, Jon Kohl.

    PUP apoyó también la Guía de campo para escribir temas interpretativos (“Interpretive Theme Writers Field Guide”) publicada en 2018 por la Asociación Nacional para la Interpretación. Este nuevo libro es en realidad la segunda edición con mejoras significativas sobre la versión en inglés, así como una adaptación para Iberoamérica (América Latina, España y Portugal) con contribuciones de expertos de toda la región. También está escrito en español con algo de portugués.

    Producido como un libro electrónico Kindle para una mayor distribución, el libro se puede encontrar en todos los sitios de Amazon (véase USA y Mexico) a un costo significativamente reducido en comparación con la versión en inglés. Algunas mejoras incluyen:

    1. Nuevas técnicas para generar Grandes Ideas
    2. Temas interpretativos nuevos y mejorados
    3. Nuevos recuadros “Bajo la lupa” sobre ideas relacionadas con temas interpretativos
    4. Referencias a los acontecimientos mundiales desde 2018
    5. Nuevo capítulo sobre estructuras de presentación interpretativa que incluye la Técnica de disección de temas para derivar estructuras a partir de temas
    6. Integración con el reciente libro de texto, Esencia de la interpretación de patrimonio: una visión holística para experimentar y conservar el patrimonio natural y cultural de América Latina (Mayorga y Kohl, 2021, Editorial UNED) también apoyado por PUP
    7. Un glosario
    8. Epílogo actualizado para tener en cuenta el auge del ChatGTP y su posible impacto en el campo de la interpretación

    En cuanto a la adaptación, sustituye muchas referencias y personajes estadounidenses por citas, ejemplos y referencias a escritores y otros pensadores importantes de toda Iberoamérica para hacerlo más relevante al público iberoamericano. Incluye una serie de contribuciones de colaboradores de toda la región llamadas “Voces del campo”.

    Miembros de la junta directiva de la Asociación Mexicana de Intérpretes del Patrimonio revisaron y comentaron sobre el texto, mientras que su directora fundadora y asesora del PUP, Dra. Antonieta Jiménez, editó el texto. El Consorcio PUP, al igual que en la versión anterior, prestó materiales, fotos y experiencias de su trabajo en años anteriores. Otros miembros de PUP que han contribuido son Marcelo Arze, Carlos Rosero, Clara Osorio y, por supuesto, el asesor de PUP, Sam Ham.

    Descuento del 50% para los miembros de PUP

    Habrá un día de descuento del 50% para la compra del libro para los miembros de PUP. Si está interesado en aprovecharlo, envíe una nota a y se le avisará cuándo será el día de descuento en Amazon.


  • 01 July 2024 5:07 PM | Jon Kohl (Administrator)

    PUP and the University of Montana are proud to announce the opening of registration for the second annual study abroad course in Costa Rica on the Evolution of Protected Area Management throughout History. The 4-credit course is for graduates and undergraduates with preference given first to UM students. To learn more about the course and see all course materials, please visit

  • 27 June 2024 6:25 PM | Jon Kohl (Administrator)

    The PUP Board of Directors voted unanimously to name Sherwood Shankland as PUP´s fourth advisor emeritus. Sherwood was actually one of PUP´s founding board directors. He was our first board chair and the longest serving board director in our history, having served three consecutive terms. For the first 10 years of PUP´s existence as a US non-profit we also used Sherwood´s address in Centennial, CO as our legal address until, due to family reasons, Sherwood moved to South Carolina. For his fine contributions to PUP, the board issued Sherwood its certicate of recognition.We want to thank Sherwood for all those years he invested in making PUP a legitimate, operational non-profit organization.

  • 14 March 2024 4:28 PM | Olivia Parrott (Administrator)

    PUP-University of Montana Study Abroad Course Comes to Costa Rica

    Long in the Making

    In December 2019 a Kansas State University professor arrived to carry out a reconnaissance of sites in Costa Rica in anticipation of setting up a study abroad trip for their park planning course that was already using the book, The Future Has Other Plans: Planning Holistically to Conserve Natural and Cultural Heritage published by Jon Kohl and Stephen McCool (Fulcrum 2016), central to PUP’s holistic planning focus.

    Yet the following year the pandemic struck and the K-State experiment passed away. But PUP did not let the idea die. Teaching about protected area planning and management from a holistic perspective was completely mission compatible. So, in early 2022, PUP shopped the idea to other universities. But the one that accepted the invitation was probably the best option from the beginning considering that co-author Dr. Stephen McCool, a renowned professor in protected area management and planning, was emeritus at the University of Montana where courses had already integrated much of his work. He is also a PUP advisor emeritus. So soon the proposal landed on the desk of Dr. Jennifer Thomsen, director of the Parks, Tourism, and Recreation Management Program. Already an experienced international traveler, Dr. Thomsen had PUP’s course vetted by her university and in short order recruited students. The course filled with 14 Montana undergraduates, one undergrad from Arizona State, one doctoral student from Clemson, and one non-degree graduate student at Montana.


  • 23 August 2023 5:42 PM | Jon Kohl (Administrator)

    Two years of strategic thinking have brought us to where we can now publicly share the concept note of the PUP Collaboratory. This draft emerged from a participatory process of nearly 20 PUP members facilitated by the Collaboratory core team (also know as the Integral Toolbox Action Team or ITAT) over the past three months. While this version 6.1 will continue to evolve, we have reached a point of commitment to the concept where we can use this document to recruit new members, redirect PUP´s strategic actions, and build the Collaboratory. ITAT is now working on a Flourishing Business Canvas and pitch deck. We hope to have a business plan by the end of the year.

    We need all members´ help to do this whether that be attending our monthly meetings, helping with financial planning, website development, conducting exploratory customer interviews to better reflect demand, database design, whatever skill you would like to offer, or just renew your membership. All hands on deck. The Collaboratory will be our avenue to global impact, based on many years of natural-cultural heritage tool development and deployment under PUP´s banner.

    Let us know how you could help our project to change the way the natural-cultural heritage community protects heritage.

    Please find here the above PDF in English and in Spanish with all the active links.

  • 23 August 2023 5:39 PM | Jon Kohl (Administrator)

    Dos años de reflexión estratégica nos han llevado a compartir públicamente la nota conceptual del Colaboratorio PUP. Este borrador surgió de un proceso participativo de casi 20 miembros de PUP facilitado por el equipo núcleo del Colaboratorio durante los últimos tres meses. Aunque esta versión 6.1 seguirá evolucionando, hemos llegado a un punto de compromiso con el concepto en el que podemos utilizar este documento para reclutar nuevos miembros, reorientar las acciones estratégicas de PUP y construir el Colaboratorio. ITAT está trabajando ahora en un "business canvas" y un "pitch deck" o presentación empresarial. Esperamos tener un plan de negocios para finales de año.

    Para ello necesitamos la ayuda de todos los miembros, ya sea asistiendo a nuestras reuniones mensuales, ayudando con la planificación financiera, el desarrollo del sitio web, realizando entrevistas exploratorias a clientes para reflejar mejor la demanda, el diseño de bases de datos, cualquier otra habilidad que quiera ofrecer o simplemente renovar su membresía. Todos manos a la obra. El Colaboratorio será nuestra vía hacia un impacto global, basado en muchos años de desarrollo y despliegue de herramientas de patrimonio natural-cultural bajo la bandera de PUP.

    Háganos saber cómo puede ayudarnos a cambiar la forma en que la comunidad de patrimonio protege el patrimonio natural-cultural.

    Favor de encontrar los PDF en inglés y español con todos los enlaces activos.

  • 14 August 2023 8:19 PM | Olivia Parrott (Administrator)

    Ambas organizaciones sin fines de lucro firmaron un convenio de cooperación para los próximos 5 años.

    SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica (6 de agosto de 2023) — Con el fin de innovar en la gestión de los recursos naturales y culturales presentes en las áreas silvestres protegidas, las organizaciones Centro Científico Tropical (CCT) y el Consorcio PUP para el Patrimonio Global firmaron un acuerdo de cooperación interinstitucional para los próximos cinco años.

    Este acuerdo, firmado a inicios de julio, unirá a estas dos organizaciones no gubernamentales y sin fines de lucro en la ejecución de proyectos que contribuyan a la conservación y el uso sostenible de dichos recursos en Costa Rica, la región centroamericana y el mundo.

    Según explicó Carlos Hernández, director del sistema de áreas protegidas del CCT que incluye la Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde, este convenio se originó en el trabajo conjunto que ambas organizaciones han realizado en años anteriores, principalmente en la aplicación de una nueva metodología para la zonificación basada en las condiciones de la biodiversidad, en la Reserva Monteverde.

    “Debido a que el CCT se destaca por la innovación en la gestión de áreas protegidas, nos interesó mucho trabajar en conjunto con el Consorcio PUP para implementar una metodología que pudiera superar los problemas de la zonificación convencional. Esta iniciativa resultó muy acorde con la misión de ambas organizaciones y, a partir de entonces, nos planteamos la posibilidad de establecer un marco de cooperación”, señaló.

    PUP y el equipo técnico de Monteverde aplican la metodología piloto de la zonificación basada en condiciones en la reserva biológica en septiembre de 2019, los inicios de la colaboración.

    Los principales objetivos de este convenio interinstitucional son:

    1. Innovar en metodologías, instrumentos y marcos teórico-técnicos que fortalezcan la gestión de los recursos presentes en las áreas protegidas y las comunidades adyacentes.
    2. Generar beneficios académicos y profesionales para funcionarios del sector público, personas empresarias, guías naturalistas, líderes comunitarios, profesionales y estudiantes, entre otros, mediante capacitaciones en la conservación y uso sostenible de los recursos naturales y culturales.
    3. Desarrollar proyectos conjuntos en este campo.
    4. Realizar actividades de investigación, extensión, producción y transferencia de tecnologías que respondan a los problemas que enfrentan los recursos naturales.
    5. Fortalecer el intercambio de información para la toma de decisiones.  

    “En el Consorcio PUP para el Patrimonio Global, apoyamos a las comunidades en la protección del patrimonio natural-cultural, mediante nuestra red de aprendizaje y el uso de enfoques y herramientas evolutivas e integrales. Trabajamos colaborativamente para la gestión local en áreas protegidas, y el CCT se convirtió en nuestro aliado natural en Costa Rica al manejar con éxito la reserva biológica Monteverde”, señaló Jon Kohl, director ejecutivo del Consorcio PUP.

    Como parte del convenio, el CCT y PUP ofrecerán un curso en línea sobre zonificación basada en la condición de los recursos naturales y culturales para áreas protegidas en América Latina. Su objetivo consiste en aumentar la capacidad colectiva para administrar estas áreas de manera efectiva y adaptativa. Este curso se basa en la guía metodológica que elaboraron ambas organizaciones, cuya teoría y antecedentes académicos están fundamentados en un artículo publicado en PARKS (versión en español), la revista científica de la UICN.



    El Centro Científico Tropical es una organización no gubernamental, sin fines de lucro, establecida en el año 1962 y con su sede central en San José, Costa Rica. La organización conservacionista más antigua de Costa Rica, esta organización se dedica a la adquisición y aplicación del conocimiento que concierne a la relación perdurable del ser humano con los recursos biológicos y físicos del trópico.

    El Consorcio PUP para el Patrimonio Global es una ONG internacional y sin fines de lucro, que apoya a las comunidades en la protección y gestión del patrimonio natural y cultural, mediante su red de acción y de aprendizaje que aplica enfoques y herramientas evolutivas e integrales. 

  • 09 August 2023 3:59 PM | Olivia Parrott (Administrator)
    • Both non-profit organizations signed a cooperative agreement for the next 5 years.

    • PUP and the Monteverde technical team apply the condition-based zoning pilot methodology in the biological reserve in September 2019, the beginnings of the collaboration.

      SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (6 August 2023) — In order to innovate in protected area natural and cultural resources management, the Tropical Science Center (TSC) and the PUP Global Heritage Consortium signed an inter-institutional cooperative agreement for the next five years.

      This agreement, signed in early July, will unite these two non-governmental and non-profit organizations in projects that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of natural and cultural resources in Costa Rica, America, and the world.

      According to Carlos Hernandez, director of TSC’s system of protected areas that includes the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, this agreement originated from joint work carried out by both organizations in previous years, mainly in the application of a new me

      “The TSC really emphasizes

    • innovation in protected areas management, therefore we were very interested in working with the PUP 

    • thodology for zoning based on biodiversity-related conditions, in Monteverde.

    • Consortium to implement a methodology that could overcome the problems associated with conventional zoning. This initiative was very consistent with both organizations’ mission and, from then on, we considered the possibility of establishing a cooperative framework,” Hernandez said.

    • The agreement’s main objectives are:

    1. Innovate in methodologies, instruments, and theoretical-technical frameworks that strengthen management of resources present in protected areas and adjacent communities.
    2. Generate academic and professional benefits for public sector officials, entrepreneurs, naturalist guides, community leaders, professionals and students, among others, through training in conservation and sustainable use of natural and cultural resources.
    3. Develop joint projects in this field.
    4. Carry out research, extension, production, and technology transfer activities that respond to natural resource issues.
    5. Strengthen information exchange to improve decision-making.

    At the PUP Global Heritage Consortium, we support communities in the protection and management of natural and cultural heritage through our action learning network and evolving integral approaches and tools. We work collaboratively to support local management in protected areas, and the TSC became our natural ally in Costa Rica by successfully managing the Monteverde Biological Reserve,” said Jon Kohl, executive director of the PUP Consortium.

    As part of the agreement, the TSC and PUP will offer an online course on condition-based zoning of natural and cultural resources for protected areas in Latin America. Its goal is to increase the collective capacity to manage these areas effectively and adaptively. This course is based on the methodological guide prepared by both organizations (only in Spanish), whose theory and academic background are based on an article published in PARKS, IUCN’s scientific journal.


    The Tropical Science Center is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, established in 1962 with its headquarters in San José, Costa Rica. The oldest conservation organization in Costa Rica, it is dedicated to generating and applying knowledge regarding the enduring relationship between humans and tropical biological and physical resources.

    The PUP Global Heritage Consortium is an international non-profit NGO that supports communities in the protection and management of natural and cultural heritage through its action learning network and evolving integral approaches and tools.

  • 09 May 2023 10:41 AM | Jon Kohl (Administrator)

    PUP and the University of Montana Announce International Course about the Evolution of Protected Areas in the World Seen through Costa Rica

     The PUP Global Heritage Consortium and the University of Montana have just announced the opening of a collaborative international course for university students about the evolution of protected areas throughout the world, as seen through examples in Costa Rica. The course will take place 3-14 January 2024 in Costa Rica during which up to 15 students and three faculty will visit more than five protected areas around Costa Rica, three of which are PUP members. Consistent with PUP’s mission, the course will take a holistic or Integral perspective to explore how human values have evolved over time and how paradigms of protected areas and wildlife management have responded to those values. So the course will look back to the most ancient Feng shui forests of China and sacred groves through royal hunting grounds, modern parks, and cutting-edge concepts of community-based integrated landscapes.

     The course will be co-led by Jon Kohl, executive director of the PUP Consortium and adjunct professor at the University of Costa Rica, and Dr. Jennifer Thomsen, associate professor and Director of the Parks, Tourism, and Recreation Management Program at the University of Montana. The course also will have a Costa Rican naturalist, César Sánchez, expert in birding, ecology, and program manager for the Punta Islita Wild Macaw Reserve (run by the Macaw Recovery Network), one of the sites on the course itinerary.

    Course Background

    The concept for the course was born in 2019 when a professor from Kansas State University visited Costa Rica to reconnaissance possible sites for a trip by its own park planning students. Thereafter the pandemic hit and derailed those plans. In June 2022, PUP put together a tour of 5 days/4 nights visiting some of the same sites and focusing on the same general theme. The tour, led by Jon, occurred successfully with seven PUP members. Having successfully carried out that trip gave confidence and connections to tourism service providers needed to mount this much more ambitious course.

                Thanks to long-time PUP member and professor emeritus Dr. Stephen McCool of the University of Montana, PUP made the connection with that institution. In fact, the principal reading for the course is the book written by Kohl and McCool called, The Future Has Other Plans: Planning Holistically to Conserve Natural and Cultural Heritage.



    The course targets graduate and undergraduate university students interesting in protected area and wildlife management. The University of Montana will award 4 credits to any student from any university that accepts the credit transfer. Students must be proficient in English, do some reading prior to the course, participate in dialogues throughout the course, make a presentation at the end about how to apply the concepts to a protected area of their choice, and submit a paper three weeks after they return from Costa Rica.


    Publicity Begins Today

    As of today, PUP begins its publicity for this course and kindly requests of PUP members who have contacts with university students interested in protected areas, park and wildlife management to share the brochure or our webpage about the course. Registration is now open for eligible students.


    Course brochure

    Course webpage


    For more information, write


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