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Advancing Integral Heritage Management

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Our Advisors are experts in their field. They advise the staff and board and bring invaluable perspective to our decision-making and materials. 



Antonieta, Mexican, (Ph.D. in Anthropology, Master degree in Archeology) is a professor and researcher at Colegio de Michoacán, a social sciences research institution in Mexico. She is the author of the book Sharing the Treasure, A methodology for archaeological interpretation (Compartiendo el Tesoro: Metodología para divulgar la arqueología, Colmich, 2017). She is a Member of the National Council of Science and Technology in Mexico (Level I); Full Member of the Association for Heritage Interpretation in the UK and Regular Member in Interpret Europe. She is also founding director of the Mexican Association of Heritage Interpreters.


Peter, Scottish, is a highly experienced and accomplished leader who built one of the United Kingdom’s largest global online learning businesses, MindTools which serves 2.5 million learners a month and many of the world’s major brands such as Disney, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Bupa, Google and Standard Life Aberdeen. His experience ranges from bootstrapping a start-up through to sale, leading two acquisitions as part of an acquisition strategy and merging three businesses into one cohesive unit. His track record of top and bottom-line growth created by strong clear values, a collaborative team approach to strategy development and focussed go-to-market execution across a range of products, services and geographies. Peter’s passions include his family, rugby, mountaineering, cycling, padel tennis and single cask malt whisky. Currently he’s trying to learn about wildlife photography and studying for a qualification in wildlife identification.


Clark, American, is an Interpretive Consultant and Trainer working out of Austin, Texas. He retired from the City of Austin in 2015 after serving for 25 years as the Austin Nature & Science Center’s Exhibit Coordinator. His professional focus is on community networking, open space management, resource protection, and heritage interpretation. His work has included the creation of natural and cultural exhibits, oral history and archive project management, community engagement and institution development, interpretive planning and training, and event planning. He holds degrees in Public Affairs from the University of Texas’ LBJ School and Theatre from Tulane University. His career has been diverse but with the common thread of creating opportunities for individuals to find for themselves new or enhanced connections with the wonders of creation and encouraging them to pass on to future generations this strong foundation from which to navigate the vagaries of life.

Profile photo of Claudia Beatriz ManzurCLAudia manzur

Claudia, Argentine, graduated in tourism with a specialization in Protected Area Public Use Planning from the National University of Comahue, Neuquén, Patagonia. She completed a Masters in Public Administration at University of Buenos Aires. In 1996 she began working at the National Parks Administration in Public Use in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche and, currently, works at the National Parks Central Headquarters in Buenos Aires.


Cecilie, Norwegian, is an economist turned heritage and tourism professional with more than 20 years international working experience. Since 2008 her work has been contextualised by the UNESCO World Heritage Convention (1972), and she currently serves as an expert advisor to the UNESCO World Heritage Sustainable Tourism Programme. In 2015 Cecilie founded World Heritage Catalysis ( emerging as a commons' oriented community of practice applying new and innovative tools in tourism and visitor management with the aim to enhance the resilience and adaptive capacity of communities living in and around UNESCO World Heritage. Among these tools are VMAST, the Visitor Management Assessment & Strategy Tool for World Heritage, which she developed for UNESCO and now made available through the UNESCO World Heritage Sustainable Tourism Toolkit. Cecilie is also an active member of ICOMOS, Catalyst 2030, IUCN WCPA TAPAS among other relevant networks and efforts. 


Alia, American, has taught pre-school, college, and adults, done marketing/strategic planning; been a spiritual counselor; designed onboarding programs; written and advised on Integral management. She wrote two forthcoming books, one based on the Integral framework; her main blogs are Exploring Second and Third Tier and Organizational Intelligences. She is co-creator of Enlivening, a global nexus for people co-creating more-conscious organizations and is Managing Editor, Inter-organizational Synergy Catalyzer, and Workspace Host among other roles. She has been Head Minister since founding an independent church in 2005; everything she does is a ministry of the church. Alia helped build online international communities since 2006. She also co-designed the Operating Agreement and Management System for a next-stage organization. Alia has served since 2012 in the Core Advisory Team for the international movement Integral


Jay, American, is a software architect working in the medical device and information space. He enjoys technology, cooking and hiking.


Darko Babić, Croatian, holds a PhD in Museology/Heritage Studies. He acts as Chair of Museology and Heritage Management at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (Croatia), as Vice-Chair (for policy) of ICOMOS-ICIP, Board member/Vice-Chair of ICOM Croatia and the same in ICOM’s IC for the Training of Personnel (ICOM-ICTOP). Darko is a member of editorial boards of “HER & MUS journal” (Ediciones Trea & University of Barcelona, Spain), “Museologica Brunensia” (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) and “Museum - Monument - Heritage” (Sankt - Petersburg State University, Russia). He was appointed co-editor of ICOM’s forthcoming book on Museum Management. Darko has significant experience in implementation of EU-funded (and other) heritage projects and as author of museum and heritage projects.

Advisors Emeritii

Sherwood Shankland, 2024

Sherwood, American, is an independent facilitator based in Centennial, Colorado, with thirty years of experience in strategic and operational planning, and group facilitation methods training. He was an international staff member of the Institute of Cultural Affairs responsible for integrated rural development projects for 10 years in Indonesia and Jamaica. Sherwood is a founding member of the ToP Network of Trainers and Facilitators and is a certified mentor trainer licensed by ICA-USA in the Technology of Participation (ToP®). He is also a founding member of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF).

For the past fifteen years, Sherwood has worked extensively with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome and worldwide. He has led strategy sessions and priority setting retreats with FAO departments, along with multi-stakeholder meetings from 25 to 250 participants. He has also trained over 500 FAO staff in group facilitation methods, to support productive meetings at all levels of the Organization. In the past three years, Sherwood has facilitated planning retreats for RESULTS – at Microcredit Summits in the Philippines, Mexico and UAE. These global summits have developed formal commitments from microfinance organizations to build pathways out of poverty, emphasizing multi-sector partnerships with links to health and education.


Alison, American, works for Adventure Scientists as a Forest Specialist. She is a human ecologist with over 30 years of experience working with people and protected areas, environmental education, and sacred natural sites. She has conducted research at sacred forests in Ghana, India, and Sierra Leone. She is a member of the IUCN’s Specialist Group for Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas. Alison has numerous publications about her work, including in the books Asian Sacred Natural Sites, Philosophy and Practice in Protected Areas and Conservation (2016), Sacred Species and Sites: Advances in Biocultural Conservation (2012), Sacred Natural Sites: Conserving Nature and Culture (2010), and Greening the Great Red Island: Madagascar in Nature and Culture (2008).


Steve, American, is professor emeritus at the University of Montana. His work over the last 40 years has emphasized interaction of people and natural resources, particularly with respect to managing visitors in national parks and wilderness, developing new ways of thinking about natural resource planning, and strengthening approaches to public engagement in planning processes. Steve graduated from the University of Idaho with a Bachelor’s degree in Forest Resource Management and continued on with his studies at the University of Minnesota receiving a Ph.D. in 1970. Since 1977, Steve has been on the faculty of the College of Forestry and Conservation at the University of Montana, following appointments at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and Utah State University. Steve has also served in several research and development positions with the U.S. Forest Service as well some short appointments in National Forest Systems. Steve holds an extensive publication record with numerous refereed journal articles, several edited books, as well as the co-authored and popular UN World Tourism Organization & World Conservation Union (IUCN) Best Practices Guidelines Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: Guidelines for Planning and Management. He recently published an edited volume, Reframing Sustainable Tourism (Environmental Challenges and Solutions) with Keith Bosak (2015) as well as the The Future Has Other Plans: Planning Holistically to Conserve Natural and Cultural Heritage with Jon Kohl (2016).

Dr. Sam Ham, 2021

For over 30 years Sam, American, has been the leading scholar in heritage interpretation, integrating the fields of communications, psychology, and interpretation into what we now know today as thematic interpretation, popularized by his classic book, Environmental Interpretation, first published in 1992. The sequel, Interpretation — Making a Difference on Purpose came out in 2013. Ham is professor emeritus at the University of Idaho and works and consults throughout the world promoting interpretation and its application to protected area management.

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