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Advancing Integral Heritage Management

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The PUP Consortium is a volunteer-run worldwide network with a big mission: transform the global paradigm in heritage management and planning from a technical rational mindset to a holistic one.

As we manage our projects through partners and have a volunteer staff as well as a pay-by-project technical corps, we keep our overhead low. Yet we do use funds for student scholarships, maintain our website, and getting the word out. So every dollar helps.

If you would like to discuss an amount or what it might contribute to, please call PUP executive director Jon Kohl at

Thank you so much and it will be something you'll love to do!

PUP with its Mexican country representative, HESNAC A.C., are working with the community of Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato to convert its ghost town mining ruins into a well managed attraction to anchor its community development. The ruins bring people from Mexico City every weekend, often times for photo shoots and other times to get married with the gold and silver mining buildings in the background. Here a couple poses under a drone for the perfect romantic shot, that they practiced time and time again to get it right.

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If a US tax-deductible donation, include your US mailing address in the comment box.
 Donation Purpose

The PUP Consortium is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We accept Paypal, credit or debit card, or an American bank check sent to PUP Global Heritage Consortium, Clark Hancock, Treasurer, 1514 Westmoor Dr., Austin, TX 78723. Please email indicating your intention to pay by check. We have bank accounts as well in Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, and Costa Rica. Hit "pay" even if you send a check in order to register your contribution.

*We seek support for economically disadvantaged but qualified Latin Americans to attend our interpretation-related webinars. For $15 you can support one scholarship ($30 for two-session webinars) on topics related to interpretation, sustainable tourism, and skills related to managing visitors on the frontline of heritage protected areas. PUP will match this contribution with a one-year free student membership or a discounted general membership. We will also contact you with the name and information about your scholarship recipient.

We want our webinars to reach every Latin American with interest in interpretation and an internet connection, regardless of economic means. So please help the PUP Global Heritage Consortium, and National Association for Interpretation reach needy and aspiring interpreters across Latin America. Make at least a $15 tax-deductible donation so that another student can connect to the international interpretation discipline and community in a region where interpretation is not considered a discipline, where there are no publications, associations, or practically any university degrees for those interested in heritage interpretation.

PUP Global Heritage Consortium is a tax-deductible 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

© PUP Global Heritage Consortium 2024

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